Sunday, March 6, 2022

First Filming Day/ Building Our Major Prop

 Today was our first day of production!!! Today was an extremely eventful day, we got to film our forest scene and our final scene, which is when Maddie comes home to the searching board with Sarah. However, we did run into several challenges, and major changes, especially to our script. We began with Eugenia coming over and getting to work with our major prop: the searching board. We sat down for a dew minutes and shared a google doc with images of inspirations, taken from TV shows like Criminal Minds, or Movies where a person has a searching board for someone they are looking for. We ended up printing a two maps, one of Markham Park and another of the area identifying criminal offenders. We also printed and used several pictures of "Sarah" (Eugenia), including selfies she took with friends. We thought this would be a nice touch to kind of develop a "suspect" list Maddie had arranged. We also did a section of Eugenia's selfie with a boy and a picture of that boy and another roe as well. We got both of these guys' permission to do this, they are both her friends, and we thought this would be a way to show a "live triangle" and another two suspects in Maddie's mind.

We also made a missing person's flier! I found this template online, and made sure to fill with with details according to our story. I printed this one big and made sure it was visible. We thought this made our board seem more realistic. Around all of these pictures, we also kept adding different color post it's with several information, such as imitating Maddie's thoughts and frustrations, and also using them as captions for some of the pictures. We also decided to make it seem as if Maddie was following the trail of other cases of other criminals in the area., therefore I found a site with fake cases of kidnappings ,and printed a list of registered offenders that e also pasted to the board. After we pasted these, we realized we should have some newspaper articles. Since neither of us had newspaper, we went online and found two extremely old articles from local newspapers about a missing gurl, and decided to add the headlines to the board. Making this board took way longer than what we had imagined, and filming Maddie entering to the room/house, showing the board from her POV was a challenge. 

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CCR/ Reflection

  What a ride this has been! We are finally at the end of the road. This project definitely challenged certain skills and tactics that I did...